
General Hydroponics AeroFlo, 20 Site


SKU: AF220K. Category: .

Product Description

The AeroFlo comes complete with everything you need to get started and offers a very fast growth rate. By generating a fine mist of nutrient, aeroponic culture maximizes oxygen to the roots of plants and provides ideal conditions for all stages of growth. Plants’ roots grow in the moist air space between the net cups and hang in a shallow, constantly circulating bath of super-oxygenated nutrient solution. By controlling the depth of nutrient solution in the growing chamber, gardeners can maximize moisture supplied to seedlings and cuttings and increase aeration to the roots of mature plants. Measures 1.5′ x 7′. The 20-site unit comes with two 6′ grow chambers, 20 3″ net cups, eight-gallon reservoir, Mag Drive #3 pump, sawhorse, PolyWool, grow rocks and three-part Flora kit.

Additional Information

Dimensions - x - x - cm